Focus in turbulent times
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Focus in turbulent times

The current economic situation is pushing a lot of businesses to downsize and even get out business. Below is a main strategy that applies to many companies and has proved its efficiency during the last 15 years: FOCUS!

We’ve all heard of the 80/20 rule. That’s what we’re talking about:

Such turbulent times are shaking the ground. Be solid yet flexible. Have a strong base that can support you in times of negative cash flows. Don’t go for quick solutions, additional funding sources that you might not be able to pay back or for theoretical hopeful approaches that could drift you out of business. Prioritize, focus and do the basic things that will give you the maximum result.

The situation is tough but so are you!

Jade William Dagher
SME Business Strategist
+961 4 977355
+961 70226969
[email protected]

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